Sunday, November 16, 2014

Teddy Ornaments

Hello all, I was checking my Facebook today and found a new pattern.  I'm thinking that I need to make these but not this year.  I will wait until next year to make these for Christmas...okay I will probably make one for my uncle because I don't have something I'm making for him...come to think of it I might end up doing two.  My grandpa doesn't have anything I'm making for him.

Yeah I will post updates here and what I did to modify the pattern here.  Again it is one of those who ask that you don't fully edit the pattern and not to share that.  So far as usual my edits are just a couple of spelling errors and just breaking it into the two types she gives you to try.

So I'm making both the brown bear and the panda bear.  She also has a pattern for a bunny and will be making for my bunnie.   She says it should be in white but I'm making it in pink.

So while I work on this I am running into a problem and that is the lightning in my room is bad and because the yarn is so dark I can't see my stitches and keep pulling up one little thread.  I wish I had a way to see better but I don't...might see what I can do next paycheck to get a clip light to hang from my collection of teddies above me.  Possibly one that I can hang from the wall.  Sorry going off on a tangent here.  Just the thoughts running through my mind. 

So using my phone flashlight and it is helping but I have to balance it just right.  Might see what I can do about the light thing sooner.  Might see if we have a light I can attach like the tap light that could work for a bit.   Sorry again off topic.  The bear is coming along nicely though it feels like it's taking forever to make.  I'm only on row like 13 or 14 of 23 before I add the eyes.

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