Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hat's, Scarves, and Gloves Winter Is Comming...but they will be warm.

Alright I know a weird title but I'm going to be making a set of hats, scarves, and gloves for my nephews and niece.  They are going to be taking the bus to school and well this area gets cold.  Like really cold.  Hell we have a saying if you don't like the weather in Colorado wait five minutes.  So I will be making a crochet spiral scarf for my niece and matching hats and gloves for all three.  So here are patterns that I will be using for them.

I have the blue pair half done.  I really like the way they turned out...or in this are turning out as the case may be.  I think I will even make a pair for myself.  The blue are for the youngest of the three and I start this set first well because I have all my yarn in one bag I grabbed a piece of yarn and pulled.  Turned out it was the blue.

Got the measurements today when I was over to give my nephew his birthday gifts.  I'm surprised that they all have close to the same head sizes...well two of the three are exact and the third well she is bigger by 1/2 an inch.  I think its her hair, the other two have very nice shaved heads.  They don't like having their hair long.  Next time though my sister wants me or my hunnie to do the shaving.  They like the military hair cut and being married to a former military guy I know how to do it.  I was the one who normally gave my ex the touch ups before his weekend trips and his two weeks.  Yep he was National Guard and I have to say I'm happy to be rid of him.

Finished the first of the hats and well I like it!  I was trying it on to figure out where the back was so I could do the other ear flap was going.  It is really warm and I think it will be great for the kids.  I'm going to bed and then tomorrow when I get off work I will be working on the scarf for this set.  

Nephews Niece
Well I just finished the scarf in blue for my youngest nephew.  So I'm happy to have one set done but wondering how I am going to get all of these done and finish up Christmas gifts.  I think I'm going to have to put the gifts on hold to be able to get this stuff done.  After all keeping these kids warm is more important then making gifts.  People will understand and well I also am going to be making some extra this next couple of weeks at work.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Teddy Doll Dress

So I have spent the last 3 hours 17 minutes typing up the pattern.  Yes I typed this up.  It wasn't that much fun because it took so long and having to stop to move the thing up and down to get the whole pattern.  You will see why when you look at the original pattern.  The original is a free one that you will need to sign up to the site to download.  They do have free offers that you can sign up for.  Time for the pattern and all the other fun stuff.

So here it is and I have to say this will be a fun one to make.  I need something that was shorter for the monkey that I'm doing for my cousin.  See the monkey post for why she is getting the monkey.  Now for the slip and underwear I'm doing them in white yarn.  I have a lot of white and pink baby yarn.  I got it from my mother because she doesn't use baby yarn for her yarn projects.  She does napkin, paper plate, and plastic silverware holders.  They look amazing and I will probably eventually do a post about them when I make a small set for dolls/barbies.  This isn't a baby announcement but I will make them for my future kids.  I just hope this blog will be up that long.

I have three types right now one dress that I call "Pink" and the second one "Green" and finally the original pattern.  It has the two types and I will go over them quickly.  The "Pink" is the one that is supposed to be done with flowers and has less bead work to do.  I have put on the patterns that the glued beads are optional.  Simply because I know who these are going to and I hope that they get used for something very special.  That is again something to do with my cousin see the post "Rainbow" for more information.

With this pattern I have stopped at row 8 and skipped to the final row for the slip.  Now I know I should have continued it but I was running out of that skein.  I thought I had more of the white than I do so I am kinda sad that I have 2 full looking ones and one partial one.

Now I will admit that the original pattern is split into the two colors but I have still split both into a document by itself. This is to make things easier and I'm happy with it.  So enjoy if you do use them if not that is fine with me.

Contact Me:  E-Mail Deviant Art Facebook
Photo Album: 
Project Playlist: 
My Altered Patterns: The Typed Original Dress Type 1 "Pink" Dress Type 2 "Green"

Dress 2: Grandma 
So this one was done 2015 in one night.  It's to go with grandma's critter as I'm calling them.  See the post about the little red haired girl that one explains it all.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Teddy Ornaments

Hello all, I was checking my Facebook today and found a new pattern.  I'm thinking that I need to make these but not this year.  I will wait until next year to make these for Christmas...okay I will probably make one for my uncle because I don't have something I'm making for him...come to think of it I might end up doing two.  My grandpa doesn't have anything I'm making for him.

Yeah I will post updates here and what I did to modify the pattern here.  Again it is one of those who ask that you don't fully edit the pattern and not to share that.  So far as usual my edits are just a couple of spelling errors and just breaking it into the two types she gives you to try.

So I'm making both the brown bear and the panda bear.  She also has a pattern for a bunny and will be making for my bunnie.   She says it should be in white but I'm making it in pink.

So while I work on this I am running into a problem and that is the lightning in my room is bad and because the yarn is so dark I can't see my stitches and keep pulling up one little thread.  I wish I had a way to see better but I don't...might see what I can do next paycheck to get a clip light to hang from my collection of teddies above me.  Possibly one that I can hang from the wall.  Sorry going off on a tangent here.  Just the thoughts running through my mind. 

So using my phone flashlight and it is helping but I have to balance it just right.  Might see what I can do about the light thing sooner.  Might see if we have a light I can attach like the tap light that could work for a bit.   Sorry again off topic.  The bear is coming along nicely though it feels like it's taking forever to make.  I'm only on row like 13 or 14 of 23 before I add the eyes.

Photo Album: 
Project Playlist: 

Thursday, November 13, 2014


So I'm at this very moment working on doing the monkey from the first person linked in my favorite people area.  Again because I want to respect her wishes I will not post my modified pattern.  So far it has been a simple word change because it wouldn't accept mouth.  Yes that is right it wouldn't accept mouth as a word.  Now if you know how Google Docs are they are just like the basic word processor where it does a spell check and grammar check.  She uses "a mouth" in her pattern I changed it to "the mouth".  I haven't printed off the pattern yet so seeing the wiggly little red line under mouth.

Now as I am doing this right now...okay not this exact second because I'm typing but I'm working on it right now I want to put this up and will follow the video that is 1:40:25 long.  That is 1hour 40minutes 25seconds.  Now I'm sure that it will take me longer than that time to complete this because of the fact I am pausing it to do my stitches so I can catch up with where she is.  I'm happy for this one there is a full video.

The only change I have made with the pattern is that I'm not using two colors for this I'm just using one color.  This is because I have limited amounts of yarn right now due to funding and I have a lot of yarn I have bought for past projects that I just never did.  Some yarn that is being used for dresses is new yarn because I needed certain colors for people.

Just finished row 5 and so far it is working well.  I'm not sure about the whole thing not joining at the first/last stitch.  She doesn't so I'm trying to follow the pattern.  Also I'm kinda worried when it comes to stuffing.  She uses regular stuffing and well I don't have any.  I only have shredded foam.  Now this has made for interesting stuffing so far.  I think I over stuff and at the same time I think I under stuff because I am using the foam.

So yesterday I was out smoking hookah and working on the monkey.  I think I added a couple extra rows.  Now understand while working on it and this is why I think I added a couple extra rows.  As stated I was smoking hookah now I have one thing I try to do and that is hydrate.  Well one thing I didn't do was hydrate, I didn't really have a choice.  It was hard to tell who was a customer and who was staff.  I have most of the body/head done and just need to stuff and close it off.  I also while there did the muzzle and ears.  I'm going with the small ones.

From the pictures you will see the yarn has little darker brown and black spots.  That is because of the color of the dress I'm doing for it.  If you are friends with me on Facebook, or if I create a page, you will be able to tell that I wanted a simpler color for the animal inside.  It is for a rainbow colored dress.  Again this is because of my cousin being part of Rainbow.  So please enjoy.

Photo Album:  3 Images Same Monkey
Project Playlist: Her Video

Monday, November 10, 2014

Buttercup Bear

Hello again,

Here is the one I started last night while waiting to hear from the creator of the bears listed in the last post.  This pattern seems to be very simple and shouldn't take long to create the bears with this one.  Now I have to say that I know that I've got now three types of bears that I'm working on creating for the dresses.  I figure why not make each bear as different as the dresses?

As a warning this pattern is written in English terms not in American.  I didn't know there was a difference in terms and was happy to learn something new.  So I will most likely have a couple of different modifications.  I know as of now I will have one where I switch all the terms.

So I'm working on this one and well I am not sure if I'm doing it correctly.  The bottom is very large but I could be wrong.   n

Contact Me:  E-Mail Deviant Art Facebook
Photo Album: 
Project Playlist: YouTube
My Altered Pattern: Terms Changed What I'm doing


Panda Teddy Bear

Hello all,

So I have another pattern that I will be trying.  I'm at the moment working on a different pattern because I was waiting for the person who owns the pattern to okay me linking back to her.  I will respect her wishes though and not share my edited version on Google docs.  So as I do this one I will make updates on my progress.  I want to thank her again here for the pattern and letting me share my experiance making it with you guys.

I will put my updates here on my progress and any comments I have about this project.

Photo Album: 
Project Playlist: Her Video


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Favorite Sites

Hello, I want to share my favorite sites with all of you.  These are just places that I find my patterns and tutorials.  Now I will admit some are YouTube people and some are other bloggers.  I just want to give a place for people who help me by providing free patterns or just have great tutorials that I love to just sit and watch.

-Sharon Ojala

Websites for Patterns
- Ravelry
- Crochet and Knitting
- Petals to Picots
- Crochet Bed Doll Patterns Free
- Crochet Pattern Central
- The Purl Bee
- Tricksy Knitter
- The Weekly Stitch
- Knitting Heaven
- Knitting Pattern Central

Multiple Things
- Yarnspirations (Yarn & Patterns)
Knit Picks (Yarn & Needles/Hooks & Patterns)

Helpful Stuff
- Knitting Abbreviations
- Row Counter

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Tips & Tricks 2- Threading Yarn onto Needle

I'm watching a tutorial for a monkey that I will be using later and just keep thinking when the gal threads the needle I know of another way that I have found easier to thread my yarn needles.  Again I got this from my mom.  Okay so I think I might need to change these to "Things Mom Taught Me".  So far all of the tips and tricks are from my mother...yes its only two but still.

Back to what this is supposed to be.  The gal in the video keeps folding the yarn in half and putting it through.  My mom and I don't we take a piece of paper that we cut and fold over the end of the yarn.  This allows you to just thread and pull the yarn through easily and with out fraying the ends.

Teddy Bear

Hello all so I am as you know making bed dolls for my family for Christmas.  Well I was going to just buy some teddy bears but found while checking my YouTube stuff a pattern for a monkey.  Yes there is a reason I wanted to look at the monkey.  My cousin loves monkeys.  So I started watching and though 'Hey if I can make her a monkey to go with the dress why not find a teddy bear pattern'.  So you see how this got started.  So here are for the teddy bears I will do a separate post for the monkey.

As of this posting I haven't started yet I have pulled out some yarns that I like and am willing to try this with.  I hope this turns out well and think that it will be really cute when it's done.  I am worried though about the size of the dresses though because I'm worried that they might be to big for the bears but we will see.

I will of course be making some slight changes to the pattern just for me and will link to it if you wish to use my version.  The only changes I will be making on this pattern will be adding another abbreviation so I can keep track of it.

Photo Album: 
YouTube Project Playlist: Playlist Being Created
My Altered Pattern: Google Docs

Finished Bears

Updates will be posted down here later.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Tips & Tricks 1- Yarn Holders

Hello, so I want to share some tips that help me out when I do my projects.  The first one is something that I can't take credit for.  My mother came up with this one.  Instead of spending tons of money on those fancy yarn holders that feed you yarn use old pop bottles.

Yes that is right old pop bottles.  I am currently using, and thank my mother for letting me use, two two liter pop bottles.  These fit a normal skein of yarn and allow for you to keep the yarn looking nice and work just as well as the fancy yarn holders.  My mother is using three liter yarn bottles for her project at the moment because she is using the larger skeins of yarn.  I find these very helpful and all you need to make one is a clean pop bottle and an exacto knife or scissors.

Cut into the bottom of the bottle and cut around the bottom but not all the way leaving I'm guessing she left about an inch.  This will allow you to open the bottom of the bottle and slide your yarn into it giving it an easy holder and fun way to trick people.  Yes some people think my mom is so good at putting the yarn in that it looks like she fed the yarn in the top and it made itself back into the wonderful way we buy the skeins.

Now I will tell you now that it is easier to pull the yarn from the middle rather than the side.  I found this out because on my bed doll, pink.  I had the light pink that didn't want to give me the middle so I was using the side and then put the yarn into the bottle...yeah I just ended up saying screw it and dug out the middle yarn.

Thanks mommy for the use and idea for this.


Bed Dolls

So for christmas this year I am doing bed dolls.  Now I searched youtube and well the one video I found that would have been for a bed doll wasn't a real tutorial.  It was a short video on how to triple chrochet.  Not helpful for what I was wanting to do.  I did find a pattern and sadly it wasn't on the original site but I want to say that I did find the pattern by someone who had posted it.

Now I am putting my dresses on teddy bears instead of dolls.  If you have seen any of my YouTube videos you can see some of my teddies around my room.  I am making a total of four as of this post for gifts.  One is dark pink and light pink for my future mother in law.  Two for her mother, future grandma in law, one will be a light blue with light green the other will be the light green with the light blue.  The fourth one is for a friend who is like a sister and it will be dark purple and black.

The pattern as you can see is pretty strait forward but I am going to make a few changes.  I have a copy of the pattern that I will be printing off that I am altering to fit what I am doing.  Now the dresses are all a bit different aside from the colors.  This is because I am using teddy bears and not dolls.  You will be able to see the pictures bellow the differences.  I will also do a photo-bucket album with all the dresses and along the way photos.  These don't take long to crochet up for me.  Also because I don't have teddy bears to put the dresses on right now I have them on a two liter bottle that my mom is letting me use for my yarn.

Please enjoy the information that I provide and if you want to do this and use my pattern please send me pictures because I enjoy seeing how this stuff turns out for others.

Photo Album: 
YouTube Project Playlist: 4 Videos
My Altered Pattern: Google Doc

Finished Dolls

I would like to post a little update.  I'm now going to be making the teddy bears that I am going to put into the dolls.  Please click here for the bears post.