Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I'm Loving It! My Michaels Story

Hello, so as promised I want to tell you all about how I'm loving it at Michaels.  I'm working about 12-16 hours a week.  It is wonderful!  I am loving it and yes I will be saying it a lot.  So I have been stocking shelves and unloading the truck.  I will tell you right now I am so sore but it's a good sore.  I'm getting a great work out from lifting all the heavy boxes and everything we have to move.  It was strange for a while not being able to just go off on my own and do what ever I wanted like I do at McD's.  Now it's strange not working in a group.  We all work in a group and I do feel bad because I don't know how to do the stocking and all of this was new to me starting there.  I was thinking I would be doing register ya know the thing I'm used to doing. Well surprise I'm not but they are working with me and I am learning how to do this.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

I aint no slouch I'm a beanie

Okay please don't ask me why I just did that title I just did.  So I have one of the gals I work with who likes Slouchy Beanies and has requested I make her some.  So far she has bought me 4 things of yarn.  I say things because it's a combination of cakes and skeins.  I found some yarn, that turns out she loves, from my personal stash and started on it.  I have a second one going from a book I bought from Michaels.  I really like the way the one I'm working on looks and have to say the very gradual color change is nice.  If you all were wondering how I am liking my new job at Michaels I suggest you go over and read that blog post that will be coming up in a few days.  Due to the amount of patterns I am using for this I will be listing them all bellow with links, some are paid some are free.

Blossom - From Celebrity Slouchy Beanies for the Family Book 2

Monday, September 4, 2017

Peppermint Pinwheels

For these I'm working on them I'm working on them in tandem.  Why?  Well the colors are close to being the same but they are for two different people.  One will be for my MIL and the other is for my grandparents.

MIL's Blanket: (Light Blue & Purple)
This one I have to work on in front of my grandparents well mostly my grandma.  She claims "I don't pay attention to what you are working on".  It isn't true though she had to keep asking me how I was doing on this one.

G&G W's Blanket: (Dark Blue & Purple)
This one I have to work on in my room or when I'm with my MIL.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Baker's Mixes

Now this will be for two projects because I am using the same one for two of my gifts.  One will be for my Bunny the other will be for my father in law.  Seeing as there are two I will have them broken down between the two as I did last time.

Sabb Mix(Bunny)
I started this and will be using two of the Caron Cakes Red Velvet to match the car like I did with the last one I had for myself.  He claims my blanket is too girly for him.  IT'S MY BLANKET!  Sorry I made the first one for myself to use in his car.  So I did a "girly" stitch pattern.

GAHHHH!  The colors aren't lining up nicely!  I had to frog and it's sitting in timeout right now.

I think I have figured out how I can make this one line up all pretty.  So I'm going to have to chop out some of the yarn to be able to pull this off but that's okay I will bring it back in later.

Father In Law
This one I don't have to worry about the colors as I did on Bunny's.  I am using two different colored cakes.  It is so pretty though!

Okay so we are 3-4 color changes in and this is looking amazing.  So amazing I can't seem to type anymore.  I really love these colors together it makes me almost not want to give it up.  I will though I have some other cakes I like that I think I will use for my own if I make one for myself.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

HHM August CAL

Pattern Found In - May 2016
The pattern was named early but I have this set to release early today.  If you check my Ravelry page I already created the project.  Now the reason I'm so excited to get this all started is because there is a yarn giveaway.  Really pretty yarn!  I hope I win.

So I'm working on the scarf and I plan on making it for my GmaW.  I am using one of the skiens of yarn I bought for her for a shawl a couple years ago that I never finished.  So this will work perfectly.

For some reason the scheduled time didn't work I had this going live early today like just after midnight.

I already finished this cal again.  This time I might make more and have started a second one already.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Chicken Sweaters

Yep I'm making Chicken Sweaters.  Now I don't have chickens but I took my nephew home that I have been having problems figuring out what to make for Christmas.  Yes my nephew has chickens.  He is in FFA and has 4 chickens.  So now he has one that has plucked all it's feathers out so being the loving aunt that I am I hate to think about an animal freezing in the winter here.  Well I can't just let one have a nice sweater but I got to make sure there are enough for all of them.

I will be using the two patterns and making two of each.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Crochet Crowd Mystery CAL

I want to join this and see if maybe I can get a good Christmas gift for someone in the family out of this.  The pattern will be released later today.

7/18 - So I forgot that the CAL started and got the information late.  Looks like I could possibly do this one as a gift if I can buy extra yarn when I go get the yarn for the commission.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Oldest Two Youngest

So the name I’m using has to do with an idea my mom had for the second part of this. She will be doing the gingerbread houses and I’m doing the bears. It’s for some cousins that I have that I never see and there are three of them hence the title of the project.  My mother and I were working on some of our projects while at a family gathering.  Now most would say it's rude but honestly the part of the family we were with aren't with her and I because we are the "black sheep".  I guess I have enough yarn that could be considered true about me lol. 

Anyway so we were crafting and my cousins were eyeing our projects and we decided we would make matching items for each with two of their favorite colors.  Now if you follow me on Facebook you would have seen the houses and know why she is using two colors.  If not I will include a picture bellow.  Now I don't have a pattern for the houses because my mother makes them.

I'm pulling yarn from my stash right now so I will be labeling the bears before so I don't have to have my knitting Buddy up the whole time.  They will be in order from oldest to youngest.  I love the fact that the middle one has both colors from the first and the last one.  So yes I plan on using the same pink and purple for the bears.

Pink & White:
Already have the pink chosen for this one and the white I have plenty of it.  

Have the body almost done and am getting annoyed with the hook I'm using on this project.  I'm using one of my lighted hooks because I want to do it in the dark.  Well the yarn is making that awful sound like when you pull the straw in and out of a cup lid quickly.  It's driving me nuts!

Body is done!  So I'm looking at the pictures because the head on mine looks huge and it looks to be normal and will look better after I get the arms and legs with the muzzle on.  Now I did skip down to do the eye patches first and will probably re-edit the project again for those adjustments seeing as I have another family gathering I will be attending later today(as of this update).  This will make the row count more accurate because as of now I'm waiting until I get to the eye patches for the correct amount done.

This one has been finished!  Now on to the next one.

Purple & Pink:
Again same pink so that part is taken care of and I think I know what shade of purple I want I just have to make sure it goes with the grey I have already.  Although I am going to be running to Michales tomorrow, as of this update, and might find a grey I like better while there.  

So I had this one labeled as Pink/Purple on my Knitting Buddy so I changed it as the first one is Pink as the main color according to the pattern.  I really like the fact that the bears all have one color from the other that is the same.
Grey & Purple:
Okay I like the grey so far but like I said I'm going to the store and might buy some new yarn.  I have to say I have been good and haven't bought yarn this year.   

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Winter Blossom Earwarmer

Yep this is to go with the hat for my oldest niece.  This is her second gift for Christmas.

Sock and Underwear Bag

Okay so this one is going to be a bit strange but my Bunnie has tasked me with making him a bag for his dedicates.  I thought it was supposed to be a smaller bag but it's not and this is the problem I have only 4 skiens of yarn in two colors and might have to get more.  So I am looking for pillow cases and seeing what I can find to see if I can maybe I can make it how I need it to work for him.

So my search just turned up pillows.  So welcome to my pattern for this bag.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Elephant for a Peanut

So as everyone already knows I have already picked this for my nephew and well I had already picked out the pattern long ago because I knew what I wanted to use.  Super cute and I will be using this for progress.

Whelp I'm on row 12 and I have stitch markers in place of my eyes ears and here in a moment trunk.  This is going to make my progress photo's look weird.  Oh well.  So I have added the video as well now so that way if you want to watch/crochet with someone you can watch.

I use an app called Knitting Buddy so I have gone and edited the pattern so I can read it just fine with out all of my little scribbles and I have another pattern the one of the Panda's is also been edited and I will print them later.  Now the reason I have edited them is because I can't use multiple counters to keep my project's progress correct on the counter.  I have paid the like $3 for the add free version with more features and it will allow me to save my projects and reload them onto another device.  I love but hate it all at once.

The ears, body/head, trunk, and mouth are done as of this update.

Saturday, July 1, 2017


Pattern Found In  - May 2016 Issue
It's that time again new CAL!  This one is a baby blanket and I will be making it to go with an elephant amigurumi that I will be posting later.  That will be two gifts for the Peanut.  Still just not sure what to make for my older nephew Boots.

07/03- So I've already started the blanket and I am almost half done on it.  Surprisingly enough I may have this one done before the end of the CAL.

07/10- I finished this already!  Oh my I have never finished one on time or even early!

Because I want to keep track of the dates seeing as they aren't on the above picture.
  • Part 1: 1-7 July
  • Materials Prep: Get your materials ready for this design, create your project on Ravelry!
  • Part 2: 8-14 July
  • Rows 1-7: This blanket is a 7-row repeat. We will walk through each row together to be successful!
  • Part 3: 15-21 July
  • Rows 8-67: Take time to complete the remaining rows of this blanket.
  • Part 4: 22-28 July
  • Border: The border is added in a contrasting color. I’ll give you tips and advice to be successful!
  • Part 5: 31 July Grand Prize Winners Celebration

Friday, June 23, 2017

Winter Blossom Newsboy Hat

So I've been wondering what to make for the other kids for Christmas.  Well I have figured out what I'm giving my oldest niece.  With the oldest of my two are in their teens it's harder to make them crochet gifts.  This is because I don't want them to feel like I think they are still little kids.  It's that weird age where I make them something crochet they think I think they are kids or they just don't get why I made it for them.  When they get older they will understand but until then it's hard being the cool aunt who crochets.

Now I chose this because I'm going to Georgia today and well I need something to do on the plane.  I'm flying out there on my own today but will be returning with my grandpa on Sunday.  I'm nervous and well I know my crochet will relax and calm me down more.

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Pattern Found In - October 2016 Issue
For this months CAL I'm going to use it kinda as a stash buster.  Guess what I want to use the buttons I wasn't sure what I was going to use them for.  I think Birthday and Christmas for my Mini.

So I'm just pulling out colors and if you are keeping up with it I have to say that the color changes are interesting to say the least.

Monday, May 1, 2017


Pattern Found In - October 2016 Issue
Paid for Larger Size

Wish I had found this sooner but I sadly didn't.  I will be doing this in the biggest size I can so I can give it to my niece.  It's so cute!  Found some flower buttons that match it perfectly and some buttons that I will be using later for her because she is my Duckling.

So I'm putting this one aside for the time being because I'm working on the CAL for June.  I have a few rows to go though and it shouldn't take me long to finish and be happy with it.  Did do something new on this one with the whole foundation chain.  I've never done any kind of foundation chain other than what I normally do.  This was new.

Friday, March 17, 2017


Now this is one of my favorite days!  HAPPY ST PADDY'S!  Why is it one of my favorites simple.  I love green and I get to be Irish.  Sadly I have to work today.  I know that our work clothing doesn't have much green and not everyone will be wearing green I am going to be nice and supply the green.

I used pattern 3 more because I liked the way it turned out but made one in each of the patterns.  I gave several of them away because I'm nice like that and need to make one in pink for Bunny and one in purple for another friend.  They were quick and fun.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Basket Weave Hot Pad

So this was worked up while my mom was at the doctors.  My phone was dead so I couldn't get to the pattern for the owl cocoon.  I had wanted to do something with the basket weave but I wanted to change it up a little so I tried.  Didn't like it so I frogged it and started again.  I got it how I liked it.  So this was a pattern I came up with on my own and it took me just a few minutes.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Firefly CAL

Updating some stuff and I found this.  I wanna give it a try.  Might not do it when the CAL is going on but I want to get the information as I know a few people who like Firefly as well as myself.  So with the different options of squares I can make a few and gift those that I choose.  As you can see it starts the day of this post.  Looking at it each one will be released on Friday from Feb 3rd to Mar 24.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Share the (Crochet) Love

So I was scrolling through Facebook and found that there was a challenge I missed.  So this has been back dated to reflect that.  I may make this but I might not.  This is only due to the fact that well I just am not feeling the love this year as I have expressed anyway because of the whole hubby calling our relationship off.  So confused because we are still acting like it but with out the label of being in a relationship.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Lil' Owl Coccon

This one I'm excited to do.  Why?  Oh well it's a "group" project.  I say group because a friend of mine who I started crocheting(Bug) has been asked to make this.  She said she was nervous about doing this one by herself.  I told her I would do it with her.  Why not right?  As you can see it is a paid pattern.  It uses some stitches she isn't used to using and wants to see if she can work with someone on it.  For me this could be fun.  I have a baby I can give this to...but he is growing quickly.  Last I saw him he was 4 months acting more like a 6 moth old.  Love my nephew!  He is still an aunties boy.  I also know the schedule so I can see my niece when there too.

Lack of Posting an Update

So this one is going to be hard to explain.  If you follow the blog you will already know what is going on.  Basically the husband well now ex has called our relationship off.  Now I know that I made a post a few months back about us having issues.  I didn't realize that those issues were still there.  Yes my life has been busy and this has been a hard subject to talk about.  I do apologize that I'm posting like almost a month into the year.  I have a few projects that I will post here in a bit.  I'm going to try to update everything in the next couple of months.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 Crochet Challenges and Crochet Alongs

Welcome to the new year!
Here is what is going on this year so keep an eye out for new projects.  Some will be done with the actual projects some wont be.  I want some just because I like the subject matter.

Share the (Crochet) Love Challenge -01/28-02/28-

Firefly CAL

Crochet Crowd Challenge 

Game of Thrones CAL



Crochet Crowd Mystery CAL

Crafter's Choice CAL



