Friday, July 14, 2017

Oldest Two Youngest

So the name I’m using has to do with an idea my mom had for the second part of this. She will be doing the gingerbread houses and I’m doing the bears. It’s for some cousins that I have that I never see and there are three of them hence the title of the project.  My mother and I were working on some of our projects while at a family gathering.  Now most would say it's rude but honestly the part of the family we were with aren't with her and I because we are the "black sheep".  I guess I have enough yarn that could be considered true about me lol. 

Anyway so we were crafting and my cousins were eyeing our projects and we decided we would make matching items for each with two of their favorite colors.  Now if you follow me on Facebook you would have seen the houses and know why she is using two colors.  If not I will include a picture bellow.  Now I don't have a pattern for the houses because my mother makes them.

I'm pulling yarn from my stash right now so I will be labeling the bears before so I don't have to have my knitting Buddy up the whole time.  They will be in order from oldest to youngest.  I love the fact that the middle one has both colors from the first and the last one.  So yes I plan on using the same pink and purple for the bears.

Pink & White:
Already have the pink chosen for this one and the white I have plenty of it.  

Have the body almost done and am getting annoyed with the hook I'm using on this project.  I'm using one of my lighted hooks because I want to do it in the dark.  Well the yarn is making that awful sound like when you pull the straw in and out of a cup lid quickly.  It's driving me nuts!

Body is done!  So I'm looking at the pictures because the head on mine looks huge and it looks to be normal and will look better after I get the arms and legs with the muzzle on.  Now I did skip down to do the eye patches first and will probably re-edit the project again for those adjustments seeing as I have another family gathering I will be attending later today(as of this update).  This will make the row count more accurate because as of now I'm waiting until I get to the eye patches for the correct amount done.

This one has been finished!  Now on to the next one.

Purple & Pink:
Again same pink so that part is taken care of and I think I know what shade of purple I want I just have to make sure it goes with the grey I have already.  Although I am going to be running to Michales tomorrow, as of this update, and might find a grey I like better while there.  

So I had this one labeled as Pink/Purple on my Knitting Buddy so I changed it as the first one is Pink as the main color according to the pattern.  I really like the fact that the bears all have one color from the other that is the same.
Grey & Purple:
Okay I like the grey so far but like I said I'm going to the store and might buy some new yarn.  I have to say I have been good and haven't bought yarn this year.   

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