Saturday, December 13, 2014


My grandpa wanted to some butterflies to go my grandma's stocking.  So I told him that I could make some because my grandma loves butterflies and has like almost all the different butterflies out there.  I told him I could make some for him.  Now because of my thumb hurting, I know I have the start of some nerve damage/carpel tunnel/tendinitis.  I like to switch between projects when my thumb starts hurting.  I try to wear a brace while working so I don't have to switch as often between projects.  I explained this to him and he was okay lets get some yarn so we picked out this really pretty purple.  Again one of her favorites.  So I will be making some different types of butterflies.

Just doing a quick read over the pattern and it says finishing to apply fabric stiffener to the butterfly.  I don't have any so I will just figure something out for it.  If you have a suggestion on how to do that with out the fabric stiffener please let me know.

Alright so this one is a PDF file that is to be downloaded from Ravelry.  This one I am having problems making.  It calls for a group of trebles.  I don't know how to group trebles and I also found a video that makes the same butterflies but seems to be easier.

Another PDF file from Ravelry.  Ah this one I haven't had a problem making.  I've made several of them.  Some for my grandma and some are going to be made in pink for mom as well.    I'm thinking in putting a couple on the bed doll.  This on also wasn't that hard to make.

Oops, forgot this one. Also this is an amigurumi type of one so that will be fun.  I have found that I enjoy doing these a lot.  Well these ones are out because of the yarn that I am using.  My grandpa picked it out because it is a really cool purple that changes purples.  So I will have to wait to make this one for a yarn that isn't so...fuzzy.  That is the best word I can use to describe it.  For those wondering its Red Heart's Boutique Unforgettable.

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