Saturday, January 13, 2018

Posts Being Moved

Okay so I just want to put out there that I will randomly move posts up because I update on them and they are on going projects.  So if you see in the corner of a post that says "Originally Posted: Date & Time"  its so I can move it back to the correct date and time later.  Something I should have done before on other posts.  This is going to be happening on things that update every month or projects started in the previous year that I'm working on right now.  One good example and the reason I wanted to post to explain this is the Minnie Mouse Graphgan I made an update on it and was like I'm updating this but it wont be seen if I don't move it up.  Well it is a current project so I want people to see it so I will move it up and mark it so I can move it back when I'm done.  I did have to change the time as well because well it isn't 3am yet and I wanted it to be seen still.

This is why you may see posts being moved up and back to their original times and such.

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