Saturday, January 13, 2018

Posts Being Moved

Okay so I just want to put out there that I will randomly move posts up because I update on them and they are on going projects.  So if you see in the corner of a post that says "Originally Posted: Date & Time"  its so I can move it back to the correct date and time later.  Something I should have done before on other posts.  This is going to be happening on things that update every month or projects started in the previous year that I'm working on right now.  One good example and the reason I wanted to post to explain this is the Minnie Mouse Graphgan I made an update on it and was like I'm updating this but it wont be seen if I don't move it up.  Well it is a current project so I want people to see it so I will move it up and mark it so I can move it back when I'm done.  I did have to change the time as well because well it isn't 3am yet and I wanted it to be seen still.

This is why you may see posts being moved up and back to their original times and such.

Minnie Mouse Graphgan

Well I got a new commission started.  The last one has fallen through and I understand why.  Life happens so now I have a new one and I even did a nifty little spreadsheet for the invoice that I want to double check when I go to the store tomorrow just to make sure the yarns I have picked out will work together.

This one is a well the title says it all about this.  It's going to be for a gal I work with's granddaughter who loves Minnie Mouse.  It was originally going to be just a simple red and white blanket because of the theme.  I had to go and open my big mouth and tell her that I could put Minnie on the blanket.  Why must I be so stupid?  I have been dreading doing a graphghan the ends that I will need to weave in and color changes.  Yeah I'm not to happy about it but I got myself into this.  She know it will be a while to get it done because I am working on family gifts for Christmas.

8/6/17: Received the first payment.  It's enough to get the yarn for it so I can start working on it.  I'm so happy and I will also be buying yarn for Christmas while I'm at it.

1/13/18: We have a date this will need to be done by: March 17th, it's the little girl's birthday.  Also as I'm going well mostly because I have to have things a specific way I am finding discrepancy in the pattern's written portion.  Also I know I'm around 15 rows completed but I'm considering frogging back to the 8th row and doing a cut and join instead of continuous go of it.  Reason being is I know I can bury the yarn in the row and will I'm not sure how I like the pulling the yarn up on each row.  Some look okay but others bother me.  I will have to decided now before I go any farther and well with it being almost 2 am I have no one to ask and will have to wait.  So I will probably set the project aside for a bit and work on another project or pack for my week dog sitting.

Originally Posted July 17, 2017 @ 03:38

Thursday, January 4, 2018

2018 CAL's and Challenges

So I'm changing how I will be doing these.  As you can see in January I have the HHM CAL I want to put it like this:
-What it is
--Where to find pattern
---Pattern name
I hope this helps all and yes this is all on this side so I can keep it interesting while I look at it all year.  There is one I did forget to list but that's because I don't do the pay to join ones.  It's Ideal Me and they might not be doing it this year but I signed up for letters last year and they were all pay to join CAL's.  I just can't afford it so I didn't join and forgot to add them to the list when I made it.

-Happily Hooked CAL
--Issue #26(May 2016)
---Geometric Mandala Hot-pad
Random fact here this happens to be the first issue I subscribed to.

-Happily Hooked CAL
--Issue #34(Jan 2017)
---Berry Swirl Slouch


-The Crochet Crowd Mystery CAL Spring 2018
--More details to come
---More details to come

Monday, January 1, 2018

January Granny Squares

So as I was fully looking at this they are done in a YouTube video and each one will be added to a playlist(yes the link at the top).  I will try to add photos here but I will probably add them to the Facebook Page Album.

If you are following my playlist I will warn you I have done an major update.  I was trying to update it adding the new day each day(I was failing a bit).  Anyway I went and added up to the 22nd.  The reason being is that I will be watching a friend's dogs and will be most likely with out internet while watching the dogs.  It's not that she doesn't have internet, she uses a personal hotspot through her cell provider, its just I don't have access to it.  If I do go online I have to use Bunny's wifi, he lives next door and if the weather is bad I can't connect to it.  I can also use my hotspot from my mobile but sometimes that ends up slow.  I will also probably be using it mostly to watch tv from my roku so I can keep up on my shows.

Days Crocheted

New Year's Expected Projects

Welcome to 2018!  Well the year hopefully will be better than the last couple.  So as I try and do every year I kinda wanna give an idea of what I would like to do this year.  I would like to get into the monthly cal for Happily Hooked as well as doing the 365 Days of Granny Squares by YARNutopia.  I will also be posting a group of CAL's and Challenges that I find though out the year.  I really want to compile a better list than I have in the past couple of years.