Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bunnies! Bunnies!

So I have twin nieces who I didn't know were going to be in town.  They live in AZ and I'm in CO.  With them being in town this weekend we are having a birthday party for them and I'm making them each a bunny.  One will be pink and one will be yellow.  Same but different.

So I have one bunny done.  Working on the second one.  I feel really bad because we missed the party.  Hubby and I didn't get to sleep til about 3ish I had an alarm set for 7 so I could make the second bunny.  Well I slept through the alarm and so did hubby.  We...okay more like I got up at 5 til noon.  We missed the party.  So I will see if we can mail the bunnies to them.

So I can't give up the first bunny so I'm keeping it and will be figuring something else to make for the girls.  I couldn't help it I fell in love with him. 

Tarot Granny Squares - Reading 2

Alright just setting this up in preparation for the reading coming up here in a few.  I'm just getting a few things ready such as linking to the spread I'm using.  The cards will be listed in order and I will be sending the results to her after I'm done.  This one is a relationship one and I hope that we can figure something out for her.

I will be using my newly acquired Black and White deck. 

Knight of Swords(upright), Knight of Pentacles (upright), King of Cups(upright), 7 of Pentacles(upright), Emperor (upright), Wheel of Fortune(upright), Strength(upright), Chariot (upright), Empress(upright).

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tarot Granny Squares - Reading 1

So I'm doing this thing in order to use up my stash/extra yarn.  In order to get new yarn.  So I'm starting tonight with a reading for a gaia user to figure out some things about her next path in life.  I hope I can help her and get some answers.
For the reading I'm using my Vampire deck.  I did a traditional 3 card spread.  It took a while to decide on the deck to use for this one.  None of them were calling to me.  The first card drawn was Mina(reversed), second Judgement(upright), and third The Magician(upright).  The Ace of Knives(reveresed) had jumped out at the end of the reading.
To honor what I said I am hiding the results because the are for the person.  I said I would do so in the gaia shop I started this in.  I am happy to share the cards with you.  I will post the square after I make it.  4 rounds in rainbow scrap yarn.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Stitch, Stop & Roll Afghan-Challenge 1

Welcome to the post for the first challenge of the year.  Yay!  So I'm calling this a challenge because it was listed as a challenge on The Crochet Crowd website.  I was looking into doing one of these this year and found one.  So it's the first one and I'm going to share my journey with you as I work on making this beautiful afghan.

I was hoping this update would be the original post linking it to the challenge but I'm not able to find that page on the website.  So I'm going back through and searching posts to find it.  I will update later.  Alright I've searched and searched and can't fine the original post.  So I guess this isn't really a challenge any more.  Just a Crochet Along.  Wait correction I found it!  I have linked above as well and once my laundry in the washer is done I'm going to take a shower and go get my kit!

Alright I have my kit and I am working on it right now.  Currently I'm doing the starting row on each of the Motifs.  I'm using the written pattern as well as Mikey's video pattern that is linked bellow.  So far so good but it's just 18 dc around.  I'm sure it's going to get harder than again it is marked as Intermediate.

So as I have been following along with the video and pausing to do all 9 motifs.  I think it's silly but I'm doing it and pretty sure it will be easier on me in the end.  I just need to sit and do it instead of jacking around online while doing it.  So I am still keeping track of rows with my stitch counter so I know where I am and can try to figure out where to skip a head to in the video.

Well I'm thinking about changing my bag for the project because I'm running out of room in my current box/bag.  Not because of yarn but because of the actual motifs.  They are getting large.  I would say about the size of a small bag of popcorn.  I'm only on row 8 or 9 of 19.  I have 2 to finish getting caught up to the next round.  Yayness!  I hope and think I should have this done by the deadline.

Update 3/1:  Well....I failed sadly.  I wasn't able to finish it as I had hoped to.

Contact Me:  E-Mail Deviant Art Facebook
Photos: Facebook Album
YouTube: Tutorial

Friday, January 1, 2016

Crochet Challenges 2016

In 2016 I want to participate in the challenges.  This means that if you see a challenge or know of something or someone who hosts a challenge let me know.  I will add it to my list so I can keep track of them.

Begins the 11th-Pattern Released the 4th{Results Are In} Didn't complete the blanket in time.

Begins the 15th-Just spin and work on it.{Results Are In} Dropped out due to lack of time.


Begins the 10th-Make hats or blankets for charity.









Temperature Afghan 2016 - January

So as I was scrolling though FaceBook earlier today and again tonight I found this. It's a really cool afghan called a Temperature Afghan so I am going to do it in a Granny Square.  I am going to start it in the new year and do a round everyday.  I will buy one skeen of each color needed to make this with.  I don't care if the colors don't look good next to eachother I will stay true to it.  I will do a temp check everyday around the same time.  Now I can't make promises because I'm going to be dealing with taxseason.  It gets crazy!  All temps will be in F.

01/01: 29° F
01/02: 34° F
01/03: 30° F
01/04: 27° F
01/05: 28° F
01/06: 28° F
01/07: 37° F
01/08: 23° F
01/09: 19° F
01/10: 14° F
01/11: 19° F
01/12: 16° F
01/13: 21° F
01/14: 39° F
01/15: 25° F
01/16: 23° F
01/17: 10° F
01/18: 25° F
01/19: 37° F
01/20: 36° F
01/21: 37° F
01/22: 36° F
01/23: 37° F
01/24: 43° F
01/25: 37° F
01/26: 37° F
01/27: 37° F
01/28: 45° F
01/29: 38° F
01/30: 37° F
01/31: 29° F

Contact Me:  E-Mail Deviant Art Facebook