Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Changes and Updates-Personal and Blog

So I know I haven't made any blog posts lately, I'm sorry.  I have just had a lot going on in my personal life.  One being that an old friend showed up again and well I don't want to get into what is going on there as I have something I need to work out.  I'm going to ask a friend for advice with the problem.  I'm also working on teaching 3 people how to crochet.

Now part of the reason I haven't updated was because bunny said that crochet was causing a problem in our relationship.  It wasn't really but he was looking for anything to use as an excuse.  The real problem was something different and it has been dealt with.  The big reason I haven't updated was also partly because I was just buying yarn and not making anything with it.  I'm starting on projects again and plan to get caught up on some others.

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